The head of a Stratford nonprofit says new numbers out from the Connecticut Department of Public Health point to an alarming trend.
Health Care Advocates International is a nonprofit whose mission is to end the stigma against people with HIV and AIDS.
Dr. Gary Blick says only a small number of residents are taking a drug called PREP, which can protect a person from getting HIV through sex or sharing needles.
"In Bridgeport, there are over 33,000 people estimated to be at risk of getting HIV and less than 2% of them, just over 500 people, are taking PREP or have gotten at least one PREP prescription. That is alarming," Blick explained.
"PREP can save lives and I am truly alarmed and frightened by the fact that so few people are taking advantage of PREP," added Sen. Richard Blumenthal.
The nonprofit will hold a free event in Bridgeport on Feb. 15 to help educate the public about PREP.
The group will also honor Blumenthal for his work building awareness about the drug, with the goal of ending HIV worldwide by 2030.