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        Full harvest supermoon to make night sky brighter on Tuesday

        Viewers will also get to see a slight partial eclipse on Tuesday night.

        Sam Augeri

        Sep 16, 2024, 9:37 PM

        Updated 176 days ago


        Get ready for a spectacular sight in the night sky!
        The full harvest supermoon is happening on Tuesday. The moon is going to be slightly closer to Earth than it typically is. If you view the moon at moonrise on the horizon, it will look a little bit bigger and brighter than normal.
        Viewers will also get to see a slight partial eclipse on Tuesday night. The eclipse will start at about 8:40 p.m. and it will be at its peak at around 10:45 p.m. At this time, you will be able to view a little red shadow that comes across the surface of the moon, and you don't need anything special to see it, just your own eyes.
        If you miss this event, there's something else special to see in the night sky. Saturn will be shining bright close to the moon in the southeastern evening sky all week long.